Hi, I'm Berkley Bramsen.

I'm a boudoir photographer from the United States. I currently reside in the Midwest with my loving husband, Aaron and our darling son, Roman. I began my journey with a passion in photography at a very young age. Growing up around my uncles who were tech savvy, brought to life all the possibilities the media art's could offer. I received my very first DSLR camera when I was 16! From that moment on, I knew I wanted to do something with photography in my future and 2016 had a course of action for me. I enrolled at the Academy of Arts University after taking a solo trip to San Francisco.

I kicked off 2016 with a new business name, a new focus and a whole new me! As I was in school learning about photography, I slowly found what I wanted to do with my photography and that was to make a difference. Somewhere between photo journalism and portrait photography, I found boudoir and haven't gone back since. My very first boudoir client was myself! I spent hours running between self timers and flipping through a ten count shutter to find the best ones. Man, did I feel good though & stood in awe at the final images. I felt good in my average body. The way my nose squinted while laughing at how utterly ridiculous this must be to someone on the outside or how my left eye brow is the only one to raise when trying to give a sexy gaze. Or how ungodly long my legs are, but I loved them. I loved every bit of myself. I enjoyed every ounce of feeling good in my own skin, that I wanted every single woman to feel this way. A sense of beauty, self-worth & self-love. The feeling of walking out of that room just a little lighter, as if the weight of this world's societal standards for women just became a bit lighter.

So, I started from the ground up...

Slowly building a business and touching the lives of women for the better. Watching every single woman walk out of my studio with a little more confidence than they came with, a brighter smile than they had before and a sense of serenity and peace. It's a high like no other for me and it keeps me striving for more magical moments like before. With the help of my hardworking husband, that brings me to the present; not only having a career, but living my dream.

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